Primary curriculum with Select

Transform teaching and learning with iPad as part of primary curriculum reform. Discover how Apple technology can help educators overcome challenges in adapting to the new curriculum. Enhance learning across various subjects for both teachers and students with the iPad’s powerful educational features.

The new primary curriculum

The new primary curriculum includes the following five areas: 

  1. Language - English, Irish and Modern Foreign Languages
  2. STEM Education - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
  3. Wellbeing - Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and Physical Education (PE).
  4. Arts Education - Drama, Art and Music.
  5. Social and Environmental Education - History and Geography.
Find out more about how iPad can enhance these areas

Upcoming events

Join us for our FREE “Delivering the Primary Curriculum on iPad” event at a location near you.

With primary curriculum reforms underway, we’re committed to supporting as many schools as possible. Discover how technology can enhance education across all subjects. This hands-on event showcases the latest educational applications designed to reduce teacher workload and enrich daily learning. Attendees will leave with valuable insights and practical strategies to implement in their classrooms.

Register for your free space

Trade In to upgrade your classroom

Upgrade to the latest Apple devices through our trade-in program and create a sustainable technology refresh plan with Select.

Learn how the bulk trade-in process works, and use the value toward purchasing new iPad class sets. Stay ahead with cutting-edge technology to successfully implement the new primary curriculum.

Contact us to find out more