Sustainable learning + training

Select empowers every employee with the skills and confidence they need to integrate technology practices across their business day. Our training and learning solutions support employees at every stage of their journey with technology, from developing basic skills and confidence to integrating technology into real-life day-to-day working practice.
Select Academy
Online training platform for business.
Support your employee's digital education and training with Select academy, Select’s subscription-based online training platform for business. Investing in your team's digital education and training will empower your business to respond quickly to a changing environment and enhance employees' continuous professional development.
- Tailored course programmes designed around your business training needs analysis survey.
- Courses support employees to develop fundamental skills that can be applied to their day-to-day working requirements.
- Instructor-led courses delivered by Select’s certified Apple Professional Learning Specialist focused on the meaningful use of Apple technology to engage learners.
- Asynchronous, self-paced and non-linear courses. Designed for busy employees at all digital skills levels – beginner to advanced.
- Scalable and cost-effective business learning. Easy to purchase a yearly subscription
- 24/7, 365 access.
Online training content
of the highest quality
of content
hours of new content
Powerful platform
The Select Academy provides everything employees need to enhance and track the development of their digital skills. Business leaders benefit from analysis via the dedicated leadership dashboard.
- Access on any device, in any browser
- A unique environment for your business, allowing for business-wide and segmented reporting
- Built-in assessment tools allow employees to view and track their progress throughout their learning
- Progress reporting for business leadership teams using the leadership dashboard
- Gamification built-in
Premium content
- High-quality video production and instructional design by our certified Apple Professional Learning specialists
- Comprehensive courses are broken down into bite-sized video topics for easy access and revisiting
- Courses address essential aspects of digital learning, including core technology and software skills for using iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch
- Certifications for course completion
- Up to date with the latest updates to OS and apps